What is the name of the Japanese holiday that expresses gratitude from men to women for Valentine's Day?

Correct answer: White Day

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Sailor Blue
Sailor Blue
Aah, Valentine's day. The most useless "special" day of the year. It's nothing but a useless cash-grab for flower shops and jewelry stores.
Isn't white the colour of mourning in Japan?
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Player Jellybean, Not a holiday.
Player #29152846
Player #29152846
It will never be a useless day. My love of 45 years hid love notes and flowers around the house for me because he chose to. It's also the day he left this world, spending one last one with me. Always special day for me remembering him
Sailor Blue, as a woman...I love it!
Player #16702581
Player #16702581
Recent question was about Valentine's Day where the women give chocolate bars to men. Then a month later is White Day where men gift the women who gave them chocolate bars.