Attila was the leader of which ancient nomadic group of people?
Correct answer: Huns

I didn't know any of this. I love how much knowledge you get from this game. I'm going to go look up more information now.

misskin1313, One of my favorit novels takes place in the age of the Huns. “The Slave of the Huns” by Géza Gárdonyi .
( I named my son Zéta - as the main character) worths to read it.
( Im Hungarian ) ☺️

Dominican Angel
I recall a spanish saying " por donde pasa Atila, no crece ni la hierba" ( where Attila passed neither the grass grow).

Atilla was dope. Word.

I was married to an Attila for 20 years ... self-righteous, mean and has had his mind games ... Nomen est omen.

I love the movie Attila The Hun with Gerald Butler.