Which of the following cat breeds does not exist?

Correct answer: Turkic cat

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
I am a cat person...I like dogs but they are a lot of work.
I have a chocolate persian: the rarest kind. It was dumped on our complex, in lanzarote, and was in a sorry state when we took him in. Can you believe, it is illegal, yes illegal, to feed the ferrel cats over here?!!!!! It's disgusting for a so-called civilised country
team edward cullen
team edward cullen
I love cats so much
I have three cats out of five, unfortunately 2 passed away. I love my cats, they can be fussy, they bring dead and sometimes live rats home as gifts for me. But I wouldn't swap them for the world. They appreciate the care I give them, and they play fetch just like dogs. they are fun.
I have a Turkish Angora cat 😺