What is the largest seed in the world?
Correct answer: Coconut

Player #3833664
Learnt something today boy! Gotta go online and have a look at a coconut seed

I had no idea a coconut was a seed! of course it is!

Now I'm craving fresh coconut!

Isn't that amazing? I never woulda thought. The coconut in produce is a "seed"! How cool is this site?

How can a 3oz sparrow carry a 2lb coconut? lol

Player #3833664, Coconut is the seed dude.

Beverly07, What do you mean? A European swallow, or an African swallow?!

wow is right

I'm from Trinidad. I'm surrounded by coconuts, the nut IS the seed.

According to the Library of Congress ( a reputable source) the coconut is all 3 ...a seed, fruit and nut. Just Google it...it's a nice clear explanation of the 3 divisions of the parts of a WHOLE coconut as it is when it is straight off the palm as opposed to the part of the coconut we are used to seeing in the shop...which scientifically is classified as the seed.

InimitableManiac9064, it's a Monty Python quote

Beverly07, Lol an African or a European swallow?😂

IMHO it can be a seed, a fruit, or a nut.

12 inches = 30 centimetres - when will this game remember the majority of the inhabitants of the planet use metric?

a coconut seed is very small. You are referring to the fruit which is quite large but not the world's largest. THIS ANSWER IS WRONG

Marilyn, ryan cayabyab's song

Player #53455830
isnt called Coco Fesses in French??

Player_ebony, huu

Coconuts are dispersed by the sea!

stan the man
Coco de mer is Seychelles's proud national plant. Visa stamps in passports portray this fruit. It somehow resembles a woman hip seen from the front including pubic hair.

what we call coconut is actually the fruit of the coconut tree. The fruit has a hard outer shell and inside it contains a single seed at its core (nut). we tend to give the same name to the fruit and seed.

"A coconut nut is a giant nut. If you eat too much you get very fat! "😁 😁 😁 that was a song!

Player #3833664, funny looking. Right!? 🤭

Player #37276355
The answer did not match the options given it said the double coconut it just said coconut I would’ve gone with that as a result I got it wrong terrible

wonder what the flavor of that particular coconut is like?

Crazy Cat Lady
Klaymonkey63, yes that are very wrong on this one. the coconut we all are familiar with is not a seed.

Wake up people! Nuts are the seeds of the trees they grow on. And coco de mer IS a coconut.

Fun guy
that's why there's no Juan coconut seed

Niczz, most of them have a fast forward button on the top right. If you wait like 7 seconds and tap that part of your screen it will pop up. I hate them too

Diana Tuttle
never seen a seed in a cocanut

That's wrong. It's the coco de mer

Player #3833664, me too!

WaldoLydeker, how else? Immaculate Conception??