What is a child who has lost both parents called?
Correct answer: Orphan

I was an only child and now I am an orphan with no blood relatives.

Donna, one of a kind 👍

i feel bad for orphans :(

Is an adult who has lost both parents known as an adult orphan?

little b
I'm not a orghan

Mars V
I’m a 61 year old orphan.

So very sad & unfortunate for many children.

Tremain White
I miss you my daughter Miranda. it's an Irish family who holds power in the UK who've taken your daddy away and I've never stopped loving nor missing you, but Annie and those related to her have done everything in their power to ruin your daddy's life under the cover of professionalism: false flag professionalism.

Harry potter anyone?

Encumbrance - what a charming option!

Batman is familiar.

gueen of questions
im wrong i answer stepchild wrong click

R2D2, me too it's so sad how they have to go to an orphanage just because some other don't want them