Which hound dog breed is famous for its cute appearance and short legs?
Correct answer: Dachshund

I love Dachshunds!

Player en_846
They may be little, but they think they're big.

Some dachshunds are actually guard dogs.

Player en_846, our Bella is 8 yrs old and knows she is the queen bee at our home. She is slim and very pretty . We love her lots

Excuse the Kuz
My beautiful wife and I have had two dachshunds. They are wonderful dogs and really weird. Real trouble makers with big noses.

When I was stationed in Germany we had a "Dachs" (badger) out in the antenna array. The Army hired a "Jaegar" to hunt it. He brought several of these little dogs and a shotgun. Took one day!!

I have had many wennie dogs in my life. They really don't like to go out and do their business in the rain. But great dogs!!!

I had dachshunds for 20 years. They are wonderful dogs!