Which U.S. university features a library named in honor of Dr. Seuss?
Correct answer: University of California, San Diego

I wonder if they serve “Green Eggs & Ham”? Throw that on the face of the “Cancel Culture’s” who banned Dr. Seus

Bonnie, nobody has banned him

Clidge, he had an affair and constantly threw it in his wife's face until she killed herself. Then he married his mistress. I don't know if the rumors that he was racist are more than rumors, so I won't speak to that. But he was a horrible person.

Clidge, no one banned Dr Seuss. His family declined to continue publishing two of his books. They were dated and the family believed that's what the author would have wanted. End of story.

Bonnie , seriously? Did somebody really ban the Doc. In what universe is that sane?!

Meant Seuss!