Gala, Fuji and Granny Smith are all species of what?
Correct answer: Apple

Grannysmith apples are great for apple pie

Player #97184361
Mariposa , Due to my allergies Granny Smith is the one apple that does not give a reaction, ie- ( throat tightening) (stomach revulsion) seriously. ! ! !

wonderwoman, Bramley apples are best for baking and pies, granny smith's chopped with Cheshire cheese, celery, black grapes, and sliced carrots a great snack if you are trying to stop smoking, or if you just want a healthy snack.

grannysmith my favorite. the more tart the better. Reminds me of my childhood climbing apple trees picking and eating Sour apples with salt with my siblings on my grandfather's orchard. what a memory!

Masud Majumder
lol there are apple species. new fact has been learnt.