What year was Walter Elias Disney born?
Correct answer: 1901

Player #96919
I thought he was older than that when he died. If it hadn't been for him, we wouldn't have been blessed with Mickey Mouse and all the great characters that we all still enjoy watching, even to this day.

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, his father (Elias Disney) was born in the Province of Canada which is probably what you were thinking of.

I am not a number.
Cookie Bean, is that really an important reference? I don't think it is.

Player #96919, except today Disney is not what Walt intended, the family got greedy.

Player #25874027
Think it’s corporate , not sure there’s much family involvement now .

Julia, not the family so much as the executives and management.

Elias Disney was born in the Canadian province of Ontario.