Which literary work by English writer Charles Dickens presents the character of the Artful Dodger?
Correct answer: Oliver Twist

Player Jo-C 333
Another one were the picture helped!

pls Sir can I have some more?

Mars V
Player #10051217, I got it right because I’ve read all four choices.

Was mark Lester once thought to be the father of Michael Jackson’s two older kids?

Awoyale Emmanuel
The author's grammar is NOT so good.

Player #21236485
why is this game so slow now and cutting off so that I have to restart it?

Player Say what!?
Davy, Livingston, Oh, that's right. 🙁 He was also the star in a previous question about H.R. Puff'stuff.

Had crushes on Jack Wild and Mark Lester long long ago

Player #10051217
It's getting the question right even if the picture help.