Which of the following is not a continent?

Correct answer: The Arctic

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Old Fool
Old Fool
Player #14803742, The mainland portion of Australia is a continent. The country Australia is not. Tasmania and several other islands which are part of the country are not on the continent. Oceania is a Geopolitical region, which includes the country of Australia within it. Similarly the U.K., Sicily, Malta and other islands are part of Europe, the Geopolitical region, but not a part of the continent of Europe.
Player #33530550, Continent is with an E not an A. Please get this right..LOL
When I was in school - a long time ago - we were taught that there were five continents. North and South America were counted as one (America), and Antartica was not counted.
Player #33530550
Player #33530550
Player #14803742, Oceania is not a continant. please get this right.
Player #33530550
Player #33530550
Player topsie 12, No 🤣
Old Fool
Old Fool
Player topsie 12, No there is no physical connection between the landmass of Australia and the landmass of Asia. So in terms of the question they are different 'Continents'. Though they may be considered to be in the same geographic region.
Player #14803742, Mostly Oceania is considered as a continent. As it contains countries like Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall IS, Micronesia, Nauru, New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon IS, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.