In which year did Argentine footballer Diego Maradona score the goal now famously known as "The hand of God"?
Correct answer: 1986

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Player #96919, aww diddums! Has no English player ever cheated, taken a little dive or something?

Player #25874027
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin,
No, English players never cheat .
Well known fact , even when Tom Daly competes he never takes a dive!
Oh, hang on a second.

Player #96919
The cheating hand of Maradona more like. Say no more

Maradona a brilliant footballer but also a lier and a cheat. I must add so are quite a lot of footballers. Quite a lot of football fans complain about VAR but it is not the VAR that get some decisions wrong but the referees. I think VAR is a good thing and I hope it stays part of the football games for years to come.