Which African country gained its independence from the United Kingdom in December 1963?

Correct answer: Kenya

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Why so many corrupt politicians ? Not just in Africa either!!
Player #33161631
Player #33161631
The Mau Mau were a guerilla group committing horrendous war crimes, terrible acts against women and children akin to ISIS behaviour in Syria. They were not supported by the general population, were defeated robustly by the British to protect civilians and played no part in the future of Kenya.
Goodboy, aren’t all politicians corrupt?
Player #33161631, the Mau Mau were freedom fighter against British colonialism. Know the history of the British empire and its atrocities to achieve economic and military power across the world, making a handful of people vastly wealthy.
Player Bengal Mama
Player Bengal Mama
PinoyRonin1955, And I bet those monsters were opposed to euthanasia. No profit in dead people.
Player #33161631, wild animals are much "human" than us, they response aggressively when threathen and hungry. Human greed can display a lot of horrible things.