In which country is the port of Odessa?
Correct answer: Ukraine

I hope the people of Russia realise what Putin is doing in Ukraine, and that he faces consequences for his actions. I hope Odessa (& Ukraine) never fall to Russia.

Russia is blockading the port of Odessa, stopping wheat being exported to the rest of the world. Putin's war is effecting so many innocent people. I agree Kiwozzie he needs to face the consequences.

There must be justice for Ukraine! We, the world cannot allow Ukraine to be forgotten. We, the world must help Ukraine withstand the assaults on her people and their freedom. WE, the free nations of the world must stop Putin, by standing by Ukraine.

Player #25874027
Most of them only see the government propaganda

Player Say what!?
Kiwozzie, Reported in the news just today, the people and a LOT of politicians of Russia are no longer buying Putin's propaganda and are demanding he leave office.

currently but if putin keeps invading it will be part of Russia.

Putten is a monster. He wants to watch the world burn

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, she's on her soap box again!