What was the name of the Greenpeace ship that was bombed and sunk in 1985?
Correct answer: Rainbow Warrior
Horrible way to handle a peaceful protest.
Player Say what!?
The Sea Shepard has now taken up those fights mainly stopping Japan's illegal whale hunting.
When the New Zealand government pressured the French government on the matter they threatened sanctions on New Zealand's export trade.
And the agents, instead of prison, spent some time at a French island resort.
A truly horrible example of terrible French policitics.
And the French didn't even need to be testing in the Pacific when they possess the Kuergulen Islands, probably the most remote islands in the world but I expect the nuclear scientists didn't want to be cold and favoured the warmer weather of the Pacific.
why were the French not sanctioned by the world for this CRIME!
considering Greenpeace does much more harm than good, this shouldn't be an issue. When the founder of a movement denounces it for having lost sight of it's goals, you know something is wrong.
Boarderz100, I would rather it had not been blown up at all, and no-one killed.
Player BenHur
Its It's not illegal in Japan?
Player BenHur
rayvan, No