Which was the first Stephen King novel to be adapted into a motion picture?
Correct answer: Carrie

Not only horror "Shawshank Redemption" and "Running Man" are based on his books and they are different genres

Love his books, he is a brilliant writer.

love love love king's books

Player #25874027
aqualung, And “The Green Mile”

San, he is still an amazing writer and his movies are awesome too. One of the only movies my son likes is the shining. Just got done reading The Outsider by King. You don’t know what you are missing out on. Wonderful creative books and movies

Yes, and ever since, his writing is a setup for a movie, and I stopped liking Mr. S. King's books and I decided not to read them anymore.

Wannabe Vulcan, he looks scary

Loved his books until IT...

First saw it at a drive-in. Alone. 8-O

Player #97184361
Maestro1313, It was the first horror film I ever took on a first date. ! ! !

Wannabe Vulcan
A fine writer. but the man never needs to appear in front of a camera.

Player #98883546
Leapfoot, the scariest book of his I ever read was the shining way more scary than the silly film although the TV series which was written by Stephen King was terrifying as it stayed true to the book

One of my favorite authors. Read most of his books, and seen most of the movies.

creepy, preferable to Freddie Gruger tho. really don't like those type of films. yoikes

Great author and person affixed on horror films.