What is a veil worn by most Muslim women called?
Correct answer: Hijab
The Qur'an instructs BOTH sexes to dress modesty.
Mohamed Jarallah
I think both Islam and Jews and even some Christian' women's dress modesty
Rosa Haron
Player heren, that’s weird, why would your husband be angry? I’m a Singaporean, this is my country you’re talking about, there is no law or rules that states that Muslim women must don the hijab. And if they do, it’s their choice. Same as all the nuns that you see in churches, they cover their heads as a sign of modesty and piety. Do they take it off in heat of summer? And men do have to cover their modesty as well, what makes you think They don’t have to?
Player heren
mitch, This seemed to be ignored by men in the heat of Singapore while women were totally covered up in black. It made my husband angry. Not all Muslims are like that though.
Wow!! there are Many questions about Pakistan and Islam ❤️❤️ Thanks for this app
I am a moslem woman. I am sure I wear my clothes modestly, eventhouhgh I do not wear hijab.
Player #37359446
the Bible admonishes followers of Christ to dress modestly.
modestly, not modesty
we don't cover our face with hijab, it called purdah. There's so many type of hijab and shawl is one of it.
While plenty of women wear it by choice there’s plenty who don’t want to wear it but are forced or beaten and worse if they don’t. That’s not freedom of choice. It becomes a symbol of power and control for men/patriarchy (which women also participate in) over women. Let’s not romanticize this. I don’t have a problem with women wearing what they feel like wearing. I have a problem with women being told what to wear. There is a BIG difference.
CL53, you are totally right.
guide, if they get killed for not wearing it I hope the one's who do the killing get sentenced to death
Assiddeeq, it's definitely interesting
CL53, they should not be forced or abused if they are forced or abused the people who abuse them be thrown in jail and fined severely.
mitch, Would be awesome if everyone had enough respect and dressed modest. It's disgusting seeing individuals who dress inappropriate male and female.
Player #125843019
They have been banned in parts of France, and other European countries
I like this question
Giggle pig, you say that as a joke (I hope) but that is actually the "thinking" behind it, especially purdah. 😐
hijab is the crown of a woman
hijab safe muslim women from eveil eyes 👀
i also ver hijab
proud to be muslim women
mitch, alhamdulillah ✨️
IzzyFizzyDoo on YouTube
hijab? dang, I thought it was a bowler hat 😔
mitch, and killing
I want a hijab
My friend wears a hijab every day she has some really gorgeous ones with colours and Arabic patterns, I feel that it is up to personal choice to either wear a hijab or not to and we should respect those that choose to wear one.
hijab is the beauty of women ❤️
Queen Amina
I really love hijab
their are a few incorrect answers. hijab is not a vail it covers the hair and neck. second 🥈 incorrect answer India is now the world most populous nation.. It over took China in 2022
Javeria Ahmed
Ayesha, proud to be Pakistani and Muslim .love Islam and pakistan.We wear hijab because it is a order by Allah almighty
wafa sohail
I Love this type of question which is related to my religion.
it's cool 😊😊
kelly cotter
I am reading Malala Yousafsai.On the cover of the book,Malala is wearing it.(I know there is no messege in that)
All men need is to wear a pair of shorts for hijab
Random Guess 😎
Player #37359446, those disliking, what's your problem
In UAE🇦🇪 I have seen many women wearing Hijav, even almost my whole neighbourhood !!!