Why does the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro miss few fingers on its right hand?

Correct answer: The statue was struck lightning

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What people think about it: 11 Comments
Player #27043190, nothing to do with the height then methinks it is ! all high structures get hit by lightning hence lightning conductors.
Player #9956654
Player #9956654
Player #27043190, that is not statue worship any more than having a picture of you mother in your home is...all it is, is a reminder of whom it represents...in this case, Jesus the savior of the world!!!
Player #27043190
Player #27043190
@Steve maybe it was stuck twice should be an indication that people should be worshipping the God in heaven and not a statue as a idol
I visited Brazil in the late 70’s and the statue is magnificent. The cab ride in itself was another thing as the road to the top was all hairpin turns and the cab driver never even slowed down.
Old Fool
Old Fool
Reminds me of the Ben Franklin v Church lightning rod controversy. When Ben started promoting lightning rods as a means to stop lightning damage to property, the Church claimed he was defying holy punishment. The Church refused to use them, resulting in Church steeples being the only properties being struck by lightning. Just punishment, or just ignorance?
Elizabeth Ann Wesson
Elizabeth Ann Wesson
Player #27043190, It might be an indication that objects that are way up high are more prone to lightning strikes. It's science dude!
Gnarly Dudette
Gnarly Dudette
Player #27043190, You do also read the information, You heard how tall it was. Something at that height is very likely of getting struck by lightning.
good old lighting, that's what I say!!
It's an inanimate object, while it may be missing fingers it probably doesn't miss them.
Gnarly Dudette
Gnarly Dudette
Player #27043190, Everyone has their own beliefs and it wrong to tell them what should or shouldn't be done. Everyone is has a right to make their own decisions on how they worship God. But whichever way they do it is still worshipping him, thus making the way they worship God not wrong.
Player #8666323
Player #8666323
well one guess the reason why this happened...