"The hand of God" was a phrase used by which footballer to describe a goal he scored?
Correct answer: Diego Maradona

I am not a number.
English fans like to go on and on and on and on about things, don't they. They've benefitted from their own cheating at times but they never bring that up.

Player #96919
The hand of a cheat is what many called it back in the day

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
The Horror, still hurting? LOL! What is it like to be permanently bitter.

The Horror
I am not a number., Must be a salty jock

Good that video now exists to possibly correct another “hand of God” goal.

The " Hand of God " goal many would definitely call cheating but many great and non great players cheat at football. It is a fact the match after 90 mins plus added on time would of ended 1-1. Otherwise it would of been 3-1 or 4-1. As Argentina did carry on trying to score a 3rd goal . Then extra time and maybe penalties.
Maradona was a brilliant footballer. Also a drug taker.