What is the Croatian town Hum famous for?

Correct answer: It's the smallest town in the world

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What people think about it: 10 Comments
Player #16124076
Player #16124076
I thought Slapout Oklahoma was the smallest town with a population of 8!
Player #37898532
Player #37898532
There are smaller towns.
Wikipedia: Hum is claimed to be "the world's smallest town", but it is not actually a town, and many communities around the world have smaller populations, so it is unclear what the origin of this baseless claim is.
there is a town in Nebraska with population of 1.
Player #32025472
Player #32025472
Arohanui, more than likely it has to have a police and fire station and town hall to be considered a town.
Player #26129643
Player #26129643
Wahoo, Nebraska, has 60 people, but I don't think its documented history goes back to the 1100 a.d.
Player Say what!?
Player Say what!?
Player #32025472, That might be the distinction. There are MANY places in Wyoming that State erected signs give populations of just a few.
Not even close to being the smallest. The town of Cooladdi in Queensland Australia has a population of 4.
B Dog
B Dog
I thought there was a town in Nevada here in the USA with a population of one woman, who serves as her own mayor/postmaster/librarian and runs a diner just to keep herself occupied 😂
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
It is to our understanding that in order to be classified as a "town", it must contain a mail office or post office & be inhabited by at least 1 person. At least it is required in the U.S.A. (We think. That may have changed.) Wonder if it the same in other countries, would be nice to know, we will have to research that one.