What can be found in cherry, apple, peach, plum and apricot stones?
Correct answer: Cyanide

I feel a murder mystery coming on 🤔

Player #96919
Evilalt, Blimey! didn't know that. I love Cherries, never swallowed a stone though.

Just don't eat the seeds/pits.

LolaB, I ALWAYS eat the seeds of the apples and I grew up eating the seeds of the apricots, since we had a ton of them and they are soo delicious. Still alive.

Maestro1313, it's B17, also known as laetrile. I used to eat ground apricot kernels during my breast cancer. The cyanide contained is bound, and you would have to ingest a massive amount for to be deadly. The doctors said I wouldn't last a year , and now Im a 13yrs survivor. Cancer hates B17. Big pharma don't want people to know as cancer treatment for them is a huge money maker. Read about the Hunsa tribe for more info

Player #35382456
Player #96919, when I was younger I used to swallow cherry pits all the time. Guess I was lucky nothing happened.

Be wise
When growing my parents would tell us kids not to swallow the pits or we would grow a tree in our belly. That scared us enough to be careful.

CatC, it's true, yes, apricot seeds are eaten to fight cancer.

How can I pass on this information?

I always used to eat a whole apple, seeds included... I haven't eaten them for years but I've always had health problems, I hope it's not down to this 😕

CatC, I am very glad you survived, and thank you for that information, which is so valuable. Big pharma companies are evil they keep people sick and even kill them for the want of profit. Keep surviving CatC and fighting the evil of the world