Why was production and sale of foie gras banned in some countries?

Correct answer: Its production is based on animal cruelty

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What people think about it: 30 Comments
Player Say what!?
Player Say what!?
It's sad there are a lot of thumbs down to the thoughtful and caring remarks. The only conclusion is that there are a lot who play this game who would be cruel to an animal for their own gratification.
Same with shark fin soup. Fins are cut off and the sharks are left to die very slowly at the bottom of the ocean
Amyloidosis causes heart failure, perhaps karma
Player #19942154
Player #19942154
I would NEVER eat such a thing. Especially knowing what they do to these poor animals
Player #41739476
Player #41739476
how cruel and disgusting!
If everyone that eats it gets sick from it I wouldn't feel the least bit sorry for them.
It's diseased and causes a disease... Why would you ever think to eat it?! Yuck!
Fortum and mason in London still sell this barbaric delicacy!! 😡
I read about this and proud to say that I've never tried it and never will for that very reason. Anything that has to do with animal cruelty is against my nature, I oppose it in every way.
Cheryl, I would hope that the humans that eat this have karma coming back at them!
Player #123495549
Player #123495549
Player #70614116, Thank you for having a heart!!
Player #123495549
Player #123495549
Player #19942154, I have boycotted veal as soon as I found out how it's produced, as well. There's no limit to human cruelty
Player Say what!?, The payback nature gives is the disease it produces in humans.
Mars V
Mars V
Player Say what!?, There are many sick people in this world. Let’s start with the creator of this “delicacy”.
Lucie Freya , there's a huge difference.
Player #3988477, that's assuming these people have hearts...
You can have it from healthy birds, it won’t be as creamy and buttery (which is what chefs/foodies are after) but it can still be a great way to use every part of the animal
Yes, it's cruel. But, what about cutting a chicken's feet and beak off, then force feeding it corn and steroids for a couple months to make chicken fingers. Let's not be hypocritical about what's cruel. Ever toured a feed lot or meat packing plant? It's cruel or it's tasty, which is more important to ya?
Player #70614116
Player #70614116
cambridge gel, funny you say this. the one and ONLY time I've ever gone hunting in my life, I had a beautiful 8 point buck lined up in my sights then he turned and looked me in the eye, I couldn't pull the trigger. Bambi was the first thing I thought about.😢
Travel Lady
Travel Lady
I think answer 2 should be correct too if eating it can give humans a fatal disease
Player #10011961
Player #10011961
Yogi, There is a huge difference between making an animal suffer and eating meat in general (obviously, if they are killed humanly). Why is the answer to cut out meat altogether?
Player #10011961
Player #10011961
Player #37787952, I would say that what people were most upset about the horse meat is the underhanded way they were tricked. And then the supermarkets and butcher's doubled down with "oh, we had no idea"
Well... Other meals are cruel too anyway. We kill cows, chicken. It's not okay too...
Player #35862184
Player #35862184
Player #13250071, well yeah! We are the only ones that can talk
It's good that everyone who eats this dish falling sick. Poor birds have to suffer the hellish conditions under cruel ways 😢
Player #26379458
Player #26379458
Also the coffee that is made by feeding the civet cat ( I think that is the one )
Player #20947123
Player #20947123
Player Say what!?, Totally agree with you.👍👍👍
King Inanyu
King Inanyu
Player Say what!?, its possible they arent thumbing down the persons opinion but the idea
Wouldn't "The dish is unhealthy" also be a valid answer?
Go Vegan please. Stop the madness