Who played Joanna Kramer in movie “Kramer vs. Kramer”?
Correct answer: Meryl Streep

Since I get to be first to comment, a plea for no comments on her politics and just appreciation for the amazing acting she has given us throughout her career!

Tina M.
I really enjoyed this movie, but hoped for a happy ending. Unfortunately it was a very sad ending, in my opinion.

Nerak 7
One of her first Movies.. she was great.. I hope I see her costar with Dustin Hoffman again..

A very important movie as it deals with the new age of woman as white collar professionals who are also married and with children that they are raising and all the new issues that result and the new solutions to these problems.

I dated her!

BamaBell, because the answer was Meryl, not Dustin.

I remember reading the book more than the movie but 2 superb actor/actress both

why give Meryl's birthday but not Dustin's?