As of January 2021, what changes has the municipal governing body of the City of London announced?
Correct answer: Removing two statues

Player judyndisguise
You can't change the past by removing the reminders.

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Player judyndisguise, nor do you have to continue to glorify those who were part of it. Some places, my home town included, have opted to retain the statues but put information about the role of that person in slavery as well as other factors in their life.

Player #55741825
We can’t remove the past but removing them (statues) means that history is removed and a generation or more will not question it so not know the history before it

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, 370 African tribal leaders sold over 11,000 africans

I am not a number.
Fredrico, brushing history under the carpet just because you "find it too sickening" is a much bigger cop out than leaving statues in place educating people. Plus where does a Ray Bumpkin say anything about "it happened so of up with it"?

Where do all the canceled statues go? MaYbe we should make a Graveyard of them & call it the Field of Shame or something?

You cannot and should not try to erase history. What was acceptable at one time and in one’s culture does not define present day. We learn from mistakes, and England resolved the slavery issue without a war!

Ladies n Gentlemen players of QuizzLand you must first take into consideration the fact that the mood of the WORLD after George Floyd incident only made those in The United Kingdom 🇬🇧 aware of those statutes n stories that MOST don’t want to be seen or heard!!! Yess the irony that we don’t want to peel away the truth and disgrace of the business of SLAVERY! Yes those cotton balls turned from slave hands spun by a cotton gin then shipped to London! Knowledge is power n as a player said early that if you don’t know the history u will be DOOMED to repeat it

The past is the place from which we learn, so that slavery and prejudice should never be repeated, unfortunately the minds of certain people and groups will never be altered by the past or by those with the decency to treat all the people they meet with respect, dignity and compassion

Player #31066343
They should be removed. And they need to start teaching history, the way it really was, instead of covering it up. No man should owe another man or woman. It is just wrong. We need to teach our children about compassion and understanding of others.

Miss Sue
Giuseppe , I did not know that.

Player judyndisguise, you always don’t have to glorify it.

Giuseppe , he bought em

Paula J
Giuseppe , and there are no statues of the tribal leaders

Most of these statues are erected in memory of people who gave money for construction etc. - no other reason.

Player Albert, I would have to agree with you totally on that 👏 👍

Giuseppe , their statues are not in London, either.

Player Jellybean, Player Jellybean! Mike Drop

Player judyndisguise, This is nothing to do with " changing the past" but to do with not having statues honouring a person or persons who had strong connections with the " slave trade". This has little difference than removing a plack or statue of Jimmy Saville who was a notorious sexual abuser.
The slave trade was a disgusting exploitation of several racises of people to gain wealth. Why should anyone that participants in a big way in doing that have a statue erected to honour them. Just because the statue was erected to them maybe 100 plus years ago does not mean it should stay there
I am British born white man and my ancestors were all British born.