What did a United States court order a deer poacher to do for the unlawful killing of hundreds of deer?
Correct answer: Watch the Disney film "Bambi" repeatedly

Player #4821096
I’ll never understand people who kill animals for ‘fun’ 😡

should have sentenced him to living a year with native americans - they'd set him straight.

Player Say what!?
Maestro1313, One would hope, but a person along with his family who can illegally kill so many deer, would not be bothered in the least by the movie.

Player #12046674
Tom W, he also received a year in prison. Still too easy.

I was once speaking to a South African ranger about elephant poaching. He said: 'Sometimes we catch them, sometimes they die'. Quite appropriate.

Player #30408675
Evil comes in many guises indeed...

So why weren't the "family members" also prosecuted and sentenced?

Player #6852065
They all should pay restitution to the state and do community service too. They could plant clover fields on state land for deer to eat.

Player #41081547
He must be truly an evil person. How on earth any human who has got a bleeding heart could murder such innocent gentle animals. He took 100 lives & he should be locked up for 100 years.

Force his eyes open and put Bambi on a loop! Through his whole sentence.

Player #13624693, 👍

That is actually quite funny for some reason 😂the punishment not what the deer poacher did

Player #4821096, I love animals, they are so tasty

I had no idea that happened I think it’s good punishment make him feel guilty for probably killing Bambi’s e

Sentenced for a year! It's not enough.... He deserved more

Bambi… never watched it🤷

Player #119467252
dana, they kill deer to

Player #4821096, that's right. the people wont kill the animal for fun!?

Player #4821096, Yep, I know exactly what you mean, I honestly do not get it!!

Player #4821096, yeah me to I don't understand why people kill animals for "fun"

peace maker ✨
I don't like others killing animals 😭 😭

Player Say what!?, I agree and how would they know if he watched it? unless he went to office to watch! Which really I dont think that didnt make him feel bad enough for what he done! One could say he was feeding his family, but he didnt even do that, just left them lay after he took the head

Player #4821096, they feel impotent, and insecure like they don't control their own lives. Killing things gives them a feeling of superiority. :-/

I've still never watched Bambi

they should have sent him to me

Player #97223590, watch it

Player #97223590
Kylie, what is in the movie ?

man it was in my head

Player #23075536
Artemis, i wish the same brother.. but that is technically not possible

okay so I don't know why he killed just to keep the heads, but if there is an over population, the deer get diseases and die, or they destroy crops that are food for humankind. you can't
always live and let live. also deer are a food source for the poor

Player Say what!?, He should of done more time Jail.. Horrible what he did..

it not PG

sala tera baap ki factory hai kya

IzzyFizzyDoo on YouTube
deer is delicious

addie chan
that's a weird punishment but understandable

Parvathy 2012
Artemis, yep it is better and will leave the man thinking I must save the wildlife.. #SeriousYetFunny

didn't understand anything about it.. bruh😑

Player #4821096, you've obviously never been hunting

Your logo looks like 'water love', a player in MY CAT.

lol punished by a cartooon
Yes i am 8 and i still watch cartoons, but only SOME