Who created the "Star Trek" TV Series?

Correct answer: Gene Roddenberry

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What people think about it: 16 Comments
hugh jass
hugh jass
Love the concepts of no money no wars no drugs and everyone being equal. Favourite series Enterprise (haven't seen much after that). Favourite character Picard. and Q. love it when they get together. I think most people know it featured the first interracial kiss (black/white) on networked US TV. But did you also know that Lieutenant Uhura in the original series inspired a young Whoopi Goldberg who went on to play the interesting and well acted character "Guinan" in star trek the next generation? Anyways, Live long and prosper, beam me up, and make it so.....
hugh jass
hugh jass
I guess you could consider the original series as groundbreaking in many ways. As a bit of a tech hungry 7 year old when it came UK the only exposure to science fiction I had was the black and white "Dr Who". I'm not knocking it but you could see the strings and cardboard BBC sets wobble a bit at times. I was enthralled by the phasers photon torpedoes and transporter. Some of the science (hypo injections) is solid but how the Heisenberg compensaters work is a complete mystery even to Scotty.
massive in imbibing the imagination with possibility.
love star trek!!
Globular Martian
Globular Martian
If wasn't for Lucille Ball, Star Trek would never have become a multi million dollar success.
All hail The Great Bird of the Galaxy! LLAP
The first officer (number one) in the pilot episode was played by a woman. In the following episodes, Spock became number one and the female actress went on to play Nurse Chappell.
luckycatfay, watching it right now Lifelong Trecky
It was "good" TV, something we don't have much of these days
Mars V, You said a mouthful,t broke the stereotype. She was beautiful, classy, intelligent and played the part so well.
Mars V
Mars V
hugh jass, It was groundbreaking that a black woman was on the show, not as a cook in the mess hall, not washing the laundry, not vacuuming the hallway, but a highly valued and capable bridge officer.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
hugh jass, A giant among men. Almost all of the episodes in the original & subsequent series' episodes dealt with real world, current time & future issues. Being science fiction they were able to slip by the censors a bit easier. The creativity is astounding.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
hugh jass, Love Dr. Who as well. If we had to choose between the two, we would be unable to do so. Cascade failure, complete system shutdown. Geronimo! Whovians of the world unite!
hugh jass, as you say, Dr who was more of us Brits staple for all things sci fi. but until Star Trek arrived here what else was there
hugh jass, yes indeed thanks for the lesson on all things Star Trekkie, but as I was born the year after it came out, I think I can just about remember everything that went on. but I didn't know that about Guinan. so thanks for your info.... live long and prosper, beam me up Scotty, and as you say, make it so!!
hugh jass, me too