A Brazilian newspaper substituted all news with the lines "bla bla bla" except for which sport news?
Correct answer: Football

Yknip 7
According to some, "football is life!"

Player #38820127
we talking about real football ⚽⚽ right?

I'm assuming since it was Brazilian, it was soccer and not American football.

Player #25874027
Yknip 7,
One of the greatest managers ever , Liverpool’s Bill Shankly summed it up perfectly- “Football isn’t a matter of life and death- it’s much more important than that”

Tina, what you call "American football" is not football at all. Whereas what you term "soccer" is REAL, WORLD football - you know, the football that is played in most of the rest of theworld - not just USA.

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
How ridiculous! When the football comes on the telly, I say blah blah blah & quickly change the station!! 😎

In Brazil they've nothing else to do than play football.

Player #82905928
No, not real football. They call soccer ⚽️ football.

little b
i love 💕 football

Macqusie, yes!!!🙂

Mars V
I almost didn’t pick football then I realized they weren’t talking about football. They were talking about football.

Hahaha! Brilliant! Love it 🤣

Player #27258542, my son says American football should be called ''throw ball''.

Macqusie, then call it football not soccer

Cheeks McGee
Correct spelling of Futball would have helped

Tina's twin
(no relation-still nice)
i was thinking the same thing when considering the answer

I know the answer but I touched the wrong one by mistake.😢😢

Player #9060837
It was a marketing advertisement. They add a fake cover to the newspaper to promote the final match. The other news were on the next pages