Which marine creatures are attracted to shiny objects?

Correct answer: Barracuda

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What people think about it: 9 Comments
Player #3508501
Player #3508501
Now I will be singing the song from Heart called- BARACUDA!
Player #28068879
Player #28068879
all fish listed wulltake shiny objects
little b
little b
i dont like the barracuda fish 🐠
I've encountered barracuda snorkling around Bermuda; they're smart enough to know humans aren't food, and as long as you don't have anything shiny/sparklely they'll come look you over out of curiousity but won't bother you
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
RICK-N-BACHER, Being attacked is not the same as being eaten but once all those teeth connect you will know about it. As would any passing shark
Interesting fact. I wonder how they parsed out that it was shiny objects that precipitated human attacks.
I didn't think people ate barracuda. thought they were a sport fish.
AutumnalCrust12, Johni82/ I learn now smart or dumb I am depending on the question
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
Baracudas are vicious! They really know how to use their teeth!