In which country was football invented?
Correct answer: England

Player #33425157
Who would have thought that kicking an inflatable pigs bladder would have been so popular

Player #38310763, they call it soccer in Ireland cos of gaelic football, you get use to it

Good show lads, golly good show...

There was a question about football earlier, it said it was discovered to have been played in China 200 bc, but chose England out of the selection of anwers

The Scottish Football Association being the second-oldest at 1866. The first ever Trophy Cup was the Scottish Trophy. In fact, historian Ged O'Brien says this, "The original Clincart Farm, which I can take back to the 1830s, so it's the oldest football building in the entire World. We've got a brilliant problem because Glasgow, in particular, Scotland, in general, invented World football - which most people are unaware of - Everything we talk about today is the first of - the best of... the first thing to do is to try and save the site of the first Hampden because THAT ground decided how we would build football grounds in the entire World because the Scots spread it everywhere. And more importantly, it was the ground where the passing and running game of the Scotch professor was perfected ... It's a flat lie (that the English invented football). The genius of Scots over the 500 last years... is what gave us football. It's entirely a Scottish game."
- GED O'Brien, Irish historian, BBC Interview, 1 July 2019
Other sources collaborate on this issue:
- The Independent, Patrick Barclay, August 2013
- The Scotsman, Rosalind Erskine, July 2019
- Irishtimes, October 2011

This question is completely loaded with assumptions it is wrong! First off, who invented football? Can you really invent a sport which is just kicking a ball? If so, how do you define inventing it? By its rules? If that's the case, then Scotland invented it - it hosts having the oldest Football club AND Rulebook in the World, called the Edinburgh Foot-Ball Club in 1823 by John Hope. Secondly, is it done by law? Then, again, the oldest law referring to a game known as "futball" would go back to Scotland in the 15th Century when James II prohibited both football and golf because he was afraid it replaced Archery as a serious exercise in the military. Thirdly, by International Team? Well, then the answer is also incorrect, as that claim is joint-oldest to both Scotland and England in 1873, by the first ever International Football Match resulting in a draw Scotland vs England 0-0. These two formally adopted their National Teams the year later. Fourth, is it to do with passing? Well, Scotland as far back as the 16th Century, and thereafter until the 19th, would have Parish teams and boys running across fields passing over to the next villages. If it's to do with Association, then the Football Association was English and started 1863