Which species of spider makes the strongest web?
Correct answer: Darwin's bark spider

Let’s just hope we don’t eradicate them as well.

What does this creature hunt for? 😱

Amazing creatures of creation, beautiful nature we are gradually wiping out with our need to advance.

Aloysious, My father tells me as a boy he saw a man who had cut his hand in a sawing accident and they used a cobweb to stop the bleeding… This spider’s web sounds very strong, this too could stop bleeding, what doy think?

Mr_Hve_Fun, I heard the same stories in my childhood, from farmers in Argentina. Interesting!

The female spider is between 18mm to 20mm.,the male smaller.
They are harmless to humans and pets. They feed mostly on flying insects close to bodies of water

Sophi, right! Really larger things maybe a small monkey?? 🐒

And how big is the spider?

Player Say what!?
Zappo, Me too! Just reading the description was making my toes curl.

Player #14574500
Solange, 😄