Which country owns almost all giant pandas in the world?
Correct answer: China
Ray Purchase
I dare anyone to say pandas are overrated in my presence.
go to a zoo and see them pacing the same path over and over until it's worn to a rut, then make your own assessment
I don't like how biased the person who wrote this description was🙄
"Rent" an animal? I doubt the animal enjoys that process.
Who owns the baby when born overseas?
December '23, The Edinburgh Zoo Pandas returned home to China.
burt bees
Tom, the panda
burt bees
my favorite bear
Player #62086564
Pandas will continue to be a fascinating animal regardless of the price of upkeep and the rental fees. We will continue to purchase souvenirs, etc.
Player #37898041
The only animal that is not killed in China for any reason, panda in Greek means always or everything.
Player #37898041
The only animal that is not killed in China for any reason, panda in Greek means always.