What is the anatomical term for a soft spot on an infant's head?
Correct answer: Fontanelle
Knew this one! At checks the nurse would write down what size the fontanelle was by coin size 20c, 10c, 5c then 1c then closed. (We don't have 1 + 2c coins any more!)
Player #21577029, costs 7¢ now,so the govt looses money every time they make pennys and they don't buy anything except sales tax now,no gumball machine or parking meters take them now
I knew this because I have 4 children, 8 grandchildren & 1 great grandchild and I’m a level 2 in child health/care & protection
Player #21577029
Kiwozzie, Unfortunately we still have pennies in the U.S. Costs 3 cents to make a penny.
Cookie Bean, I knew it because I had 4 younger siblings.