Pablo Picasso once said that it took a lifetime to paint like who?
Correct answer: Child

So the answer should of course read 'A Child'. Otherwise the implication is that Picasso was referring to an individual called 'Child', which is, after all, a relatively common surname. This is simple grammar, but it changes the meaning entirely. As things stand, the question is inaccurate.

Ms. Wilkie
Picasso also said “Youth has no age.” I like that.

I never cared much for Picasso's paintings, but if it indeed gives us a glimps on how children perceive the world, I might just take a second look.

So they had to do a study to figure out that infants perceive the world differently than adults?

Mars V
Phil, Julia Child? Did she paint?
Save the liver!!

Spooky, I get this AND the more you expose yrself to His works, OR if u paint yrself, the more Genius His progression becomes 😉