Pablo Picasso once said that it took a lifetime to paint like who?

Correct answer: Child

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
So the answer should of course read 'A Child'. Otherwise the implication is that Picasso was referring to an individual called 'Child', which is, after all, a relatively common surname. This is simple grammar, but it changes the meaning entirely. As things stand, the question is inaccurate.
Ms. Wilkie
Ms. Wilkie
Picasso also said “Youth has no age.” I like that.
I never cared much for Picasso's paintings, but if it indeed gives us a glimps on how children perceive the world, I might just take a second look.
So they had to do a study to figure out that infants perceive the world differently than adults?
Mars V
Mars V
Phil, Julia Child? Did she paint? Save the liver!!
Spooky, I get this AND the more you expose yrself to His works, OR if u paint yrself, the more Genius His progression becomes 😉