What day marks Donald Duck's birthday?
Correct answer: 9 June, 1934

Player #29765907
Player #26119831, her name was Daisy

mukesh sharma.mahakall.b
best sweetly like me great place

Thidar Aung (Dolly)
wow. 90 th birthday tomorrow.

Player #26119831, Minnie, is Micky Mouse's girlfriend. Was Donald's girlfriend Daffy? I don't know for sure. I just thought I'd help you out.

9th of June...great day wasn't Bonie Moroni married?

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player #26119831, Minnie is Mickey Mouse's gal & player #29765907 has given you the name of Donald's gal

Player #26119831
Love Donald Duck and love his gal, Minnie (is that her name?)
I looked forward every Saturday morning to watching Donald and his pals.
I grew up when TV was the regular babysitter whole Mom and Dad fixed breakfast.

jackie 6
I love Donald duck he is my favorite