The tail of a cat is an extension of its spine
Correct answer: True

I have a bobtail mackral tabby. No wonder he falls over all the time. Just kidding. I knew the answer but have always wondered how he does balance himself.

Player #24358197
my cat had a severe injury as a kitten which caused the loss of use of his just hangs now from his behind and drags. He can get around okay though but the nerves are trying to regenerate slowly which causes him discomfort at times. Cats are amazing!

, I have a cat, MISSYLOU and she takes baths with me• When I say Go Potty With Mama, she runs to the bathroom, usually with a toy!! She is the strangest cat I have ever seen!!

Player #196037
IrishGirl6, i have agrey cat her name is bridget very intelligent last name kelly

Karen Coulson Rankin, Aww, bless him.. And you 😸