What was the character of Brad Pitt in the film "Meet Joe Black"?
Correct answer: Death

smarty pants, Don't keep worrying about it. Otherwise you will make your self ill,and you may find that "it" will find you sooner. So take each day at a time and enjoy life to the full 🌕.

smarty pants
l have a hard time accepting death. lts a part of the circle of life, but I still struggle with it.

great movie 🎥...death and taxes

smarty pants, It comes to us all - the least we can do is greet it with a smile! Yes, I know it's a line from Gladiator but originates with Marcus Aurelius (or possibly even Epictetus. I have grown old and my memory is a bit wonky!)

Player #77118933
Also done quite well in 1971 Death takes a Holiday with Monte Markham & Yvette Mimieux.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
smarty pants, We accept Death with open arms, alas Death keeps torturing us by keeping us alive; though, we have to admit to several brief courtship vacation with Death.