What is the name of the scale used for measuring earthquakes?
Correct answer: Richter Scale
What a sparse answer. No explanation of the scale progression? An increase of 0.1 is 10x stronger and that wasn't worth mentioning?
Rythm1voiceoriginal1, we Californians get used to them. Actually Oklahoma have more earthquakes than Cali because of the fracking.
I have been in several Earth Quakes. Shake Rattle and Roll 😂
Btw, the most earthquakable country in the world is Indonesia.
TheEvilleOne, thanks; hadn't realised Richter only used to measure small earthquakes these days and Magnitude Moment used to assess larger ones - have now boned up on the difference! However media still loves Richter so this term is commonly used for quakes of all sizes.
Out of date, now the Moment Magnitude scale is more commonly used.
I thought we stopped measuring earthquakes with the Richter scale no?
the Fischer scale is used in star wars for how how to compare actresses in gold bikinis named after Carrie , true story
Saint Nine
Player #5637854, agreed. It's a logarithmic scale which means that adding a given amount actually multiplies the value, so, for example, if adding 1 multiplies by 10, then adding 2 multiplies by 100. The only other well known logarithmic scale I know of is decibels.
Rythm1voiceoriginal1, I was in Santa Cruz when the big one hit the bay. very scary.
TropicPossum1, I didn't know but my husband did.
The correct answer is Magnitude Scale.
Or the question should be “Who was the scale first named after”
Stefan, it is. I live in Alaska (the Good Friday earthquake of 1964 was the second strongest in the world) and we have them here frequently. Worst part is not knowing how long or strong each one is when it starts. 😳
Mei Ling
Hugo, Turkey got a terrible earthquake this week
micron9999, The Richter scale is a base-10 logarithmic scale, meaning that each order of magnitude is 10 times more intensive than the last one. In other words, a two (2) is 10 times more intense than a one (1) and a three (3) is 100 times greater.
Got this correct always, have
Living in a country with a lot of earthquakes, Richter is something you hear very often!
Player #51744714
the previous question was very dirty and difficult
i lost😔😔☹️
In my high school class Mercalli came to hold a speach in Turin:)
we only get tremors in Southern Africa.
I been in a few big ones in Cal. Back in the early 70's an I was a kid. It was very scary an that's why I won't live there. You just don't know when there gonna hit!
Pchblsom, what is fracking
samriddhi swarnkar
actually I thought it is seismometer but after I did the answer I understood the question
Player #28187630
I have learned it in class . And you all ????
micron9999, not many people know that every one point is twice the strength of the previous rating. i.e. 7 is twice the power of a 6.
Player #24751497
I'd rather go through a California earthquake than a Tornado any day. A California Gal
Player #24770420
I experience earthquake in my country Philippines last year but only little amount in Richter scale by the news
the Richter scale measures the largest wiggle on the recording
Don't forget the Mercalli scale too!
Player #20586566
Jasper James III, usdydidur to afvmwu see
tannu shree
that's simple question
Player #15601878
i thought it changed to the moment magnitude scale??
Thought it was a Newton scale
Player #17926291
Renis Pinkle
Player #17926291
Pchblsom, hi
Player #17926291
I am interested
Player #17926291
good afternoon everyone
when you sleep thruogh your only earthquake experience ☺ you slept through it.
😭😭 it was the only earthquake you've ever experienced
Alex Thirkell
Actually you won't see Richter mentioned more, it's been out of use for a while now. Just magnitude.