According to the Global Peace Index of 2020, what is the most peaceful country in the world?
Correct answer: Iceland

blessed are the peacemakers, not peacekeepers. interesting that peacekeeping is done by force and with weapons.

Tina M.
I figured the answer must be Iceland, there aren't very many people living there!

I figure Iceland must be peaceful domesticly because it's a small island and if you are bad it's hard to leave your past!

Packing my bags for Iceland immediately!!!!! (when I win lotto)

A study of violent crime in Houston, Dallas, and Austin, Texas showed that, during times of "volatile" temperature drop, rates of homicide, aggravated assault, and robbery also drop.

Mars V
Let’s all move there!!

all white and small population also rich in resources

to have rounds, nor magazines in the magazine well of our weapons. Even after the bombing, in which I lost many friends. We still needed per

TheLadyKane, Not completely true. Force should only be use as needed. I served in Beirut twice. During the first deployment, we were not allowed to

Player en_846
RandalD, No contrasting regions either