Which lake is considered by some geophysicists to be an ocean being born?

Correct answer: Baikal

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What people think about it: 11 Comments
It would have been quite a walk for Jesus? He only had 32 years.
Flutterby - I'm glad you wrote telling us that it was freshwater. I thought all oceans were saltwater. If that's so, I wonder how it could be called "an ocean being born"?
Wait… Isn’t the most important fact about Lake Baikal that it’s the deepest lake in the world BY A LONG WAY? That’s how I knew it had to be this, because it suggests a fissure in continental plates or something (at least to me). Also, lake Baikal is like an inverse island bacause of its seclusion. There’s a unique soecies of seals living there that I think suffer from island dwarfism*, if I’m not mistaken. *islamd dwarfism: because of certain factors such as limited space and resources, colonies of animals that get secluded on islands (or in this case in lakes) sometimes evolve to vary greatly in size from their mainland counterparts, which is called either “island dwarfism” or in some cases the opposite “island gigantism”. It’s all really fun to investigate. There’s been and are some really cute versions of big animals around the world.
Ed dema
Ed dema
I was there before. That’s where thy got the iconic graphic for the land-o-lakes butter
Olly, I believe the idea is that as the lake keeps growing, eventually it will merge with another large body of salt water.
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
Kelley, The writer said the lake is connected to the Russian imagination. Which you could imagine anything you want.
Olly, I wondered the same thing.
Jesus had a car
This is great. I love learning something that actually fascinates me instead of just being a neat thing I didn't know. Much appreciated.
Love the info I learn in this game. Never knew that Africa and South America were drifting apart
PC, The Mormons say Jesus was in America, too. He really got around for a guy with no car.