Which answer describes a unique feature or behavioral characteristic to the kitefin shark?
Correct answer: It has the largest luminous vertebrae on record

Player #25874027
I thought sharks were invertebrates, with cartilage instead of bone.
How does a shark have vertebrae , let alone luminous ones.

Yeh, but why does it have luminous vertebrae?

That's a lot of teeth!

For Player...4027: Vertebrates are bilaterally symmetrical and have an internal skeleton of bone or cartilage, a nervous system divided into brain and spinal cord, and not more than two pairs of limbs.

WalksBySelf, I’m guessing because it’s so far down there little light reaches those depths and it helps them hunt??? Just guessing.

WalksBySelf, to attract and catch its prey.

Player #25874027, sharks are vertebrates with a cartilaginous skeleton (as opposed to a bone one)