What is the rarest blood type?
Correct answer: AB

I am AB- . I was in the maternity ward back in 98 for the birth of my 3rd child and there happened to be another lady with the same type as I. It freaked the nurses out and they double checked everything because it was so rare. I found the most interesting thing when I went to say hello. I am of swedish decent she was from tribal africa and was as black as I was white. I called us blood sisters , she liked that.cool memory

O- is the universal donor but can only receive O-
Here's a chart for who can receive what:
O- can receive O-
O+ can receive O+, O-
A- can receive A-, O-
A+ can receive A+, A-, O+, O-
B- can receive B-, O-
B+ can receive B+, B-, O+, O-
AB- can receive AB-, B-, A-, O-
AB+ can receive AB+, AB-, B+, B-, A+, A-, O+, O-

Angel Smith, I am so sorry for your loss. May you find some measure of Peace in knowing they are together & no-longer sick or suffering. May they Rest-in-Peace.

Kiddienurse 84
I have been a registered nurse for 37 years and was affiliated with the American Red Cross for 15 years. It is NOT true that it is almost impossible to find a donor with the type AB, even AB-. Yes, that blood type is less common than the others but it is not extremely rare.

jerezaa, I’m O neg and I can give my blood to anyone so I believe.

yep, there's something not quite right about this question
I'm AB and they don't want my blood! I feel slightly guilty that I'm a 'taker' rather than a 'giver ' !
I've signed up for bone marrow donation instead.

Player #8650698
I'm fairly certain AB is a co-dominant mix of A&B not A & O.

Angel Smith, That's terrible. I'm so sorry you had to go through the nightmare of that.

it is a blend of A and B, not A and O. Get your facts straight

Angel Smith, my son in law is an he donate as much as he can

jerezaa, Thank you for sharing that chart! I find it very interesting!🙂

Lam Vy Da
Quanla âhy

I’m the “best” type: A+ (insert teacher joke!) 🤣

Chezikeets, "Tribal" Africa???

I am A Rh D positive with Anti-c (antibodies) and have to carry a card saying I need special blood.

Keesha B
I’m AB + & African American

im AB but im afraid in donating blood

I thought B+ was the Rarest Blood thats what my Mom told me she was B+.

jerezaa, Thankyou for this Info now I know.

jerezaa, ab+ wins the blood(y) jackpot! they're a universal receiver.

Sonja Griseldis
My blood group, but because I have MS, I can't be a donor😠

jerezaa, Vampires are AB+, in that they can "recieve " any type.

Player #50531971
the explanation is wrong. AB is a blending of A and B blood. blending A and O just gives you A because O is the absence of markers. also AB can receive from A,B, or O. it's O- that has to have only O- blood. completely backwards. please fix this

Player #50531971
jerezaa, yeah, what is the answer on about? AB- can receive any type of blood ţhat is negative. AB+ is called the universal recipient. and it comes from blending A and B, not A and O. thanks for setting the record straight

Player #8650698, that is true,ab is certainly not a mix of a and o lol.this question should be deleted.

batman25/1, and yet,you as a O-,can receive it only from O-.

Kiddienurse 84, its the easiesr type to get a donor.

part that says its a problem to find a donor for ab is absolutely not true.they have multiple donor choices.most problematic is the O type,which can receive it only from other O type.

Chezikeets. Thank you for sharing your great memory. Proof that beneath our skins, no matter color, we all bleed the same blood, in this case blood types.

Player #41749672
jerezaa, thanks

Player #45880590
im an Asian ..and AB+

Hemanth Aremanda, I’m also AB+ Indian, my parents and siblings are either A or B, I’m the only one who’s AB

Player #33352442
batman25/1, ye

Player Gigi #28446253
Player #Carol, as previously commented, you are the "universal receiver" you can receive any other blood type since you have all the antigens!

AmazingRaven20804, SIL is an angel. Tell him thank you for me.

Chezikeets, definitely a cool memory. Does your child know? I think that would be a cool thing to know.

Player MsZep
I too, am AB+. Eastern European but no Asian that I am aware of.

Player #32721456
Im AB anti-lea n i was asked to carry a card years ago im 44 now i was 16 then i lost the card when i moved home ive mentioned it a couple of times and no one has ever mentioned me needing it again so i guess its not as rare as this is suggesting

Player #2445394, you can't have type AO blood because type O blood carries only a recessive allele therefore the dominant type A dominant type B overrides the recession

I'm not so sure about the blending together of type O and type A blood type O carries only a recessive allele and type A can only have an A allele a recessive type O Oleo so how did you get the B from these two blood types