For what were Adam and Eve expelled from Paradise?
Correct answer: For consuming the fruit of the tree of knowledge

love that this quiz has a bit of a background to all questions

It wasn't Christian tradition that dictated eating of the tree was verboten. God forbade it and their disobedience to God's command was the sin.

White Wave @ The Dreamer
There were three categories of trees in the garden of Eden.
The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Player #97184361
Peg, Ask reasonable questions of God just don’t be dense on receiving the answers. God is the Creator. ( digest ) intellectually. ! ! !

No Peg, it was not horrible. They sinned against God. God was merciful.

ARane, .. and women would go through agony giving birth!! What a horrible thing to do

DenTheLatvian, me too

Read the holy book of allah(qur’an), you will know everything about how they have eaten it and why

how dare they make that painting...may allah show you the right way..aammin