What is the most commonly used paper size (210 × 297 mm) called?
Correct answer: A4

Had to know that, spent 50 years in commercial printing

I am not a number.
Harvey Katz, 8.5x11 it's "Letter" size defined by American National Standard Institute. It's close to A4 but not exactly the same - 215.9 x 297.4mm versus 210 x 297.

Harvey Katz
8.5 x 11 inches in the USA.

Player #25874027
An A0 sheet is one square metre . Each following number halves the long edge . I don’t know the A0 size but A3 is 420 c 297 mm, so A4 becomes 210 x 297 , A5 is 148 x 210, A6 is 105 x 148 and so on

I was only familiar with blueprint sizes, A through E.
But instead of A0 = A and getting bigger, A0 = E and gets smaller such that A4 = A.