How many countries border Ukraine?
Correct answer: Seven

Big respect Ukraine for your Valour and courage in the face of evil.

Player Say what!?
BlueEyedAlien, Putin wants to invalidate and destroy the entire country and its people. Makes me ill.

Russia wants to invalidate this question.

The vast majority of people in the World , do not want war ,they simple wants to live a decent life while supporting their families .However , We are manipulated into killing our Brothers and sisters go figure .

May this country be granted PEACE in 2023!!!

Das, when they bomb your house and kill your family, it would make anyone want to retaliate.

Putin worked many years for the Soviet secret police, including the hated KGB. He is a Communist, and a professional torturer and killer.

IceChimp, Many people don't know much about the Socialist Revolution in Russia or the slaughter of 30 million of the Russian people by Stalin. Young people in America have been fooled into thinking that Socialism is a good thing, with no understanding that it leads always to Communism and chains.

Lionessa, and yet he has vehemently denounced communism, while many "americans" praise what they did to Russia! Russia faced the true holocaust of the early 1900's!

Jazhans, My reading tells me you are right; it also tells me that no one seems to know just what to call his ideology, but he has never been an enthusiastic Communist. Some of my thinking is still rooted in the Cold War, and we always saw the Soviets as being in absolute lock-step, as Totalitarianism doesn't usually allow room for free-thinking.

Lionessa, yes Putin is a torturer and a killer and thoroughly reprehensible… however he isn’t a communist

wow i didnt know that 😂