Which goat breed gets its name from an involuntary action it performs when startled?
Correct answer: Tennessee fainting goat

Beneta Dougles Gillespie

They just fall over - it looks so funny!

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player Say what!?, A Mythbusters Team (Carrie & Tory) were field testing these goats because of the viral video about the fainting goats. What they found out was that the video/myth was true & confirmed. They were able to make some of the goats faint. That's why they were involved. As I recall it was very cute & funny field testing time.

I want one so bad. However, I'm wise enough to recognize I would only have it to scare it all the time and that's not a very good reason for getting a goat.

Cat Cha
sheep freeze when they get scared by lightening or thunder and have to be picked up by the shepherd to be put safely into the barn

Men who stare at goats is a fabulous book & film.

Arohanui, lost in the mists of time...?

Player #30719738
There was a movie with these goats in it.

Player Say what!?
Leebo13, Why? They are not a myth.

The Mythbusters had a field day with them.