In "The Lord of the Rings", who was the sidekick of the protagonist Frodo Baggins?
Correct answer: Sam

Everyone should have a friend like Sam.

I did like Sam. A loyal and trustworthy friend to Bilbo Baggins.

Unali 58, agree, The Hobbit is my favorite as well!

Sean Astin did a wonderful job of bringing Sam to life.

baymax, he was loyal to Frodo Baggins, not Bilbo. Bilbo was Frodos uncle

Sam was the real hero of this story. He was loyal to Frodo even when Frodo believed he was trying to take the ring from him. That's the kind of friend everybody needs.

Tolkien was an infantry officer during WWI who suffered what was then called shell shock. British officers had servants called batmen, who were private soldiers that were basically a military valet. His was called Sam and he brought Tolkien back to the British trenches. Sam Gamgee was sort of a tribute to Sam, his batman. Very touching.

A very loyal friend ❤️