Tegucigalpa is the capital of which Central American country?
Correct answer: Honduras

Chris RN
Went to Honduras yearly for 14 years. Did medical work. Have made friends of Hondureños which I’ve maintained for years. We communicate via Messenger and WhatsApp. I got to know much of the country. It has so much to offer but the crime is brutal. Hurricane Mitch left many children orphans and many grew up feral, on the streets with poor nutrition and no guidance. This has left scars today. It’s the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere after Haiti.
When folks in poor countries purchase thing like stoves, refrigerators, furniture etc. they plan to use these purchases for most of their lives. Things are not thrown into land fills, they are repaired. When hurricanes come through and people lose everything it’s huge. It sets them back tremendously.
Honduras has been heavily exploited. Our friends do their level best to find decent work. Our friends here in the US and ourselves help support various Honduran families financially. This keeps them from coming to the Mexican/US boarder. The US and other countries send money to the government which is supposed to go to the people. That’s a joke. Corruption prevents any aid from getting to those who suffer most. Being accepted as a friend to these people is an honor.

Republic of China,
Guatemala City*

As they always Comment why spent a lavish life for those who have much when many people are Starving

Republic of China
For other options,
Belize's capital is Belmopan
Costa Rica's capital is San Jose
Guatemala's capital is simply Guatemala