Where in the world are the “doldrums”?
Correct answer: The Equator

the phrase "becalmed in the doldrums" is mentioned in "Ruddigore" by Gilbert and Sullivan. I did not understand the full meaning til now.

Chris RN
The doldrums brings to mind ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The ship became ‘stuck’ after the ancient mariner killed a beautiful albatross for no reason. “Water, water everywhere and all the boards did creak. Water, water everywhere yet not a drop to drink.”

Hemmings, exactly what I was thinking!

Hemmings, My sentiment also! I dislike getting it wrong and I think I got it wrong twice, agh!

Doldrums, what an awesome name , conjures up all sorts of imaginings 😊

I was under the impression that "the doldrums referred to being bored or depressed in some way. I can see the connection now that I know how it originated!

Player #85315195
Aren't the doldrums an area Milo and Tock were subject to drive through while in the Phantom Tollbooth?

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
Only in the tropics.

Player #41360751
Gary_Melbourne, actually I think Doldrums could also apply to Brisbane, Queensland... most boring place in Australia

Player #49535703
Bonnie , correct answer is ITCZ, not Equator, equator is on “0”deg only

Had no idea what it meant

BlueQ, same

Player #25901811
Kate Kautsiro she's a good friend and she is a good girl