Which famous painter could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time?

Correct answer: Leonardo da Vinci

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
Amazing...I love learning new things...
Player #2847105
Player #2847105
mammy1027, I can write backwards with my right hand and forward with my left hand at the same time
amazing man!
Mama Crow
Mama Crow
(Here's the rest...) to do with the two hemispheres of his brain. Wouldn't it be interesting to be able to study DaVinci's brain and see what it was all about?
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous!
um, IDK if this is helpful 2 anybody... But, when I broke my R wrist (cast n pins Yikes,) I found that I cld write as well (maybe even better) w/my L hand. Who knew?...
That's Incredible!
I'm amazed I guessed correctly. My father could bowl left handed and right handed. but he wrote right handed. Does that make him ambidextrous? He died in the middle of my Sophomore year in H.S. and mother died just before I turned 14. There are so many questions I never got to ask.
Player #13286156
Player #13286156
My Dad was left handed but grew up in the 1930s and had his left hand strapped to him and forced to write with his right hand. He could write and draw beautiful with both hands simultaneously forwards, backwards one going up one going downwards or any of these combinations. However he usually wrote with his right as conditioned to as a child and in his 60s the doctors thought he had had a minor stroke with one side of his face drooping. After several scans it was found that his writing right handed had put pressure on the nerves in his neck causing the stroke like symptoms. When he stopped using his right as often he recovered.
Player #21374632
Player #21374632
DutchBaby120, Bless you , my friend,,sorry for your loss,,at least you got to spend time with them,,a friend of mine never knew her dad, her mom died when she was 2 years old,,etc,,my friend cries a lot because she never has known her parents,,please, people, hug your mom and dad,,not just your children,,
TOBY, wow! Where did he go to school? I was born in 1949 and I wasn’t forced to use my right hand.
Diana Shifley, I’m left handed. My daughter is right handed. My son in law is ambidextrous. My grandson is ambidextrous and my granddaughter is right handed. Both my parents and my sister were right handed. My mum made me use my knife in my right hand and my fork in my left which I’m grateful for because it looks odd the other way around.
Mama Crow, umm what would that accomplish? Because his brain hasn’t been scanned or anything (unless it was preserved?🤔) Here’s something interesting I found about his brain . . . Our brains (if true); Writing and drawing both involve different parts of the brain, but there is some overlap in the processes involved. Writing primarily involves language processing and fine motor skills, which are associated with areas such as the left hemisphere of the brain. Drawing, on the other hand, involves spatial processing, visual perception, and motor coordination, which are associated with areas such as the right hemisphere of the brain. However, both activities can engage various parts of the brain, including those involved in creativity and problem-solving.
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
prplgrl, You have been blessed with usual abilities.
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
RagingPegasus78610, Many of the of the commenter knew people who can do the samething. Purplegirl said she could write with both hands simultaneously.
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
Player #13286156, Our bodies are amazing. So much to be learned about them.
Dexter means right in Latin. Sinister means left. Ambidextrous means both right.
I can write with both hands, I have more than 30x different handwritings. I can even write backwards and you can read it from the other side of the paper in the light. I used to love writing and drawing since I was a small kid. But then again, I think you can do anything you put your mind to. (practice makes perfect!)
 Thidar Aung (Dolly)
Thidar Aung (Dolly)
wow 😲 that's awesome 👍
TheAmazingKeni, but then, you couldn’t be ambidextrous anymore. Good one
TheAmazingKeni, That's funny!
my paternal grandmother, born 1899, was left handed. but of course at that time in the history of the world she was forced to write with her right hand, so she became ambidextrous. i remember her teaching me how to write with both hands! i haven’t practiced for decades, but sometimes i think i should again because it taught me how to write almost equally well with either hand.
DutchBaby120, by definition ambidexterity means a person who does not have a dominant hand.
Diana Shifley
Diana Shifley
Lisaess, I can read upside down.
Diana Shifley
Diana Shifley
TOBY, my Mom was made to write with her right hand, but her teachers never noticed that she uses her left hand with scissors. Both of my parents were/are left-handed, but none of their offspring are left-handed.
I noticed how the man in the picture is holding is pencils, which is the way I do it, since I am pretty old school. many younger people have a very different grip on the pencil or pen.
MY FATHER IN LAW HAD TO LERNER to use his left hand to.write because he had polio and couldn't write with his right hand.
Player #71366417
Player #71366417
EsenMau, I'm lefthanded, and when learning to write, I insisted on writing the words from last to first letter!
he may have taught himself to use his right hand b.c. left handed people were thought to be children of the devil. even my brother (born 1953!!!!) had to learn to write right handed despite being a natural left hander. the teachers would smack his left hand with the edge of a ruler if he used it😳‼️
I can also do this..can all of you write upside down too, like to the person across the table.
Betsey Shirley
Betsey Shirley
DutchBaby120, if you can do with one hand that you could do with the other, then yes. You don’t have to do it at the same time. When I was in school many years ago, I wrote and still do with my right hand. But when it came time to write (cursive) on the board I had to use my left hand.
mammy1027, Amazing Man Indeed...
Sonja Griseldis
Sonja Griseldis
I follow a diet that alleviated the symptoms of MS. Since then, I am also ambidextrous. Says s lot about modern man's eating habits.
Very Good Question I Loved It...
Player #43891297
Player #43891297
my head said Leo my heart said Michael. I went with logic.
My mum could write a mirrored script too 😃
Player #21680483Meshelle
Player #21680483Meshelle
Wow, didn’t know this!🙏🏽
her is genius but she has remember
I write on paper with my left hand but can write on a blackboard (or nowadays on a whiteboard) with either hand. I used to draw diagrams on the board with my right hand and label them with my left hand. When I play baseball, I can strike out with either hand also!