Which of these is a purpose-built recreational environment made for skateboarding, BMX and scooter skating?
Correct answer: Skatepark

I always wanted to try BMX and skateboarding but my balance is weird 😕

Abby Lou Synan
The pic gave it away

little b
I've been to the skatepark

Dragonfly8xptweety22, my balance is awful.

Know More!
• The first skate park was built in 1965.
• In 1965, the first skatepark was built in Tucson, Arizona.
• Named "Surf City," it had a bowl set-up just like a modern park.
• Then, in 1976 skateparks started to open up all over.
• California opened one in 1976 in Carlsbad, and there was another the same year in Australia.

The answer is literally in the picture

me and my friend.
i never been to these parks
before and i really want to
visit them so bad🙏

I love these parks

easy guys 😐😑

Player #55587691
finn, I fall to so much i have got stitches to but now I can do like 14 tricks

Player #55587691
#Ms.Maryam , I know Jordan matter to I know that YouTube video

Player #55587691
Dragonfly8xptweety22, my balance was weird to but you just haf to cep on trying and now I am riding my skateboard to school

peterTheCool, so why are you telling us

Maryam :)
I have a feeling that I have seen this skating park before ... ( Not in real life though in youtube ) there's a guy on YouTube that I watch all the time his channel's name is "Jordan Matter" ( Check him out on YouTube and you'll see him ) and he's a Photographer he takes AMAZING pictures and one time I watched a video of his and he took some realy cool pictures with a girl named "Sky Brown" and she said that she started skateboarding ever since she was 3 years old ( I don't know how old she is Now ) and she also said that she goes to Canada to skateboard and goes to Japan to surf. And the picture of the skating park ( in this game ) looks like its the skating park from the video ..... and I'm very curious ... is the picture ( Of the game again ) the place where "Jordan Matter" took some pictures of "Sky Brown" while she was skating ????? .

I'm too scared to try tricks, I would fall on my face for sure

peterTheCool, same except that my balance it the worst lol 😆

One normal and one Chrome edition

i want a skateboard :)